Thursday, November 20, 2008

B/R Blightning

Piloted by Blake Patraw
2nd place, Game in the Gulf — Cruise Qualifier (Burnsville)

Mainboard (61 cards)
3 Ghitu Encampment
4 Graven Cairns
8 Mountain
4 Sulfurous Springs
4 Swamp

3 Ashenmoor Gouger
4 Demigod of Revenge
4 Figure of Destiny
4 Mogg Fanatic
3 Murderous Redcap
2 Siege-Gang Commander

4 Blightning
4 Flame Javelin
4 Incinerate
2 Profane Command
4 Puncture Blast

Sideboard (15 cards)
4 Infest
3 Shriekmaw
4 Smash to Smithereens
4 Thoughtseize